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Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, plays a vital role in keeping the body healthy and functional. It is essential in the production of red blood cells, creation of DNA, and maintaining the function of the nervous system.


Our body uses red blood cells to transfer oxygen to different parts of the body. When there’s not enough oxygen being carried throughout the body, one may experience a wide range of physical and mental health conditions, such as headache, shortness of breath, cardiac arrest, brain injury, and damaged nervous system among many others.


Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency


If you are diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency, it means you’re not getting the right levels of vitamin B12needed by your body to function well. There are two possible reasons why you may be lacking this essential vitamin:


  1. Your diet lacks food that are rich in vitamin B12.
  2. Your body is unable to absorb the vitamin into your system, which may be due to an existing health condition.


No matter the cause of your deficiency, it is important to address it as soon as possible. We will be discussing possible treatments for vitamin B12 deficiency in the latter section of the blog. For the meantime, let’s take a closer look at the 2 common causes of B12 deficiency.


When Your Diet Does Not Include Foods Rich in Vitamin B12


Your food choices play an essential role in the types of nutrients that go through and used by your body. You develop B12 deficiency if your daily diet consists of food that are low in or lacking vitamin B12.


Common sources of vitamin B12 includes eggs, meats, poultry, fish, poultry, and dairy. For vegans, vegetarians, or those allergic to animal foods, they can include cereals, breads, and some grains to their diet, as well as food supplements, to meet their vitamin B12 requirement.


When Your Body Isn’t Unable to Absorb Vitamin B12


There are several reasons why your body isn’t capable of fully absorbing the B12 vitamin, which includes the following:



Symptoms of B12 Deficiency


While vitamin B12 deficiency is a common condition, it is sometimes difficult to identify. Moreover, it sometimes takes years for the symptoms to show up, making it too late before you become aware of the deficiency.


It is, therefore, advisable to consult with your doctor as early as possible to identify signs immediately and get the proper treatment you need. If discovered later, B12 deficiency may lead too permanent damage to your nervous system.


Here are some symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. In case you experience some or all of the symptoms below, make sure to consult your doctor or visit our clinic for an vitamin B12 IV therapy.



Treatment for Vitamin B12 Deficiency


At Regenerate Me, we provide IV treatment for vitamin B12 deficiency. Our professional, highly experienced medical specialist will work with you closely to review your medical history, perform appropriate blood tests, and establish a personalized treatment program exclusive for you.


The treatment aims to increase the levels of vitamin B12 as required by your body. We will carefully consider the cause of your condition and the symptoms you are currently experiencing. Here are the steps we follow before we administer you B12 IV treatment:


STEP 1: We will take time to understand your symptoms. Based from the information you give us, we will give you your treatment options and you are free to choose one the suits your requirements and preference best.


We also offer customization of your IV treatment, Our medical team can include extra vitamins in your treatment depending on your health requirement.


STEP 2: Once you are settled in your room, we will dispatch medical professionals to check on you, reset your body, and make you comfortable as you await your treatment.


STEP 3: We will medical history, treatment preference, as well as other information you’ve given us to ensure that the procedure will go through as planned.


STEP 4: One of our medical experts is now ready to administer the B12 IV drip to you. The administration of the IV treatment will take about 30 minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to ask our specialist.


STEP 5: Once completed, you can immediately start to feel the effect of the IV treatment. You will notice how better your body feels right away!


Safety Reminder from Regenerate Me IV Hydration


Similar to our other treatments, when it comes to our intravenous B12 vitamin therapy, our procedures and policies reflect the highest level of our patients’ safety. Before we administer any IV therapy, one of our physicians or nurse practitioners will be available to provide a free medical consultation for any questions you may have. You treatment shall be approved beforehand, and  recommendations shall be made based the specialist’s assessment.


At Regenerate Me, you can guarantee that you will be receiving an IV treatment that is safe, effective, and meets the highest quality standards!

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