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All About Hangovers and How to Treat Them


It’s an all too common story for most city workers who blow off steam and the stress of the whole day by going out at night and drinking, knowing fully well that they’ll spend the whole day next day feeling nauseated with a pounding headache. As a result, they cannot function at work the next day, or they waste their whole weekend feeling ill.


Hangover can severely affect a working person’s work-life balance, and it can have a negative impact in one’s work and personal life.


What Causes A Hangover?


Consuming too much alcohol results to the body trying to break down the ethanol in your alcoholic drinks. This compound is a diuretic that can cause dehydration.


As the body breaks down the alcohol, toxic by-products are released to the blood stream causing dilation of the blood vessels, stomach irritation, and a drop in blood sugar levels that leads symptoms that can range from tolerable discomfort to severe weakness and pain that could last for up to 18 hours from the time of waking up the next morning.


Symptoms of a Hangover


You know you’re hung-over if you experience one of the following symptoms after drinking:



Hangover IV Treatment


Fortunately, treating a hangover can be very quick and easy with a hangover IV treatment. YOU don’t have to endure hours of pain and discomfort after drinking, and you can function properly the next day. This IV treatment has the following benefits that address the causes and relives all symptoms of a hangover


  1. Hydration


The hangover treatment contains IV fluids of saline solution that rehydrate the lost fluids, and deliver the lost electrolytes when drinking. Since it is delivered directly into the bloodstream, the nutrients are absorbed immediately; unlike when taking oral hangover solutions that still needs a few hours to take effect.


  1. Boosts Physical Energy


Dehydration from drinking causes weakness, and difficulty in sleeping, making you feel tired upon waking up. The IV drip contains vitamin B12 that help in improving cellular metabolism that work in converting fuel into energy, and maintains internal functioning from the cellular level.


  1. Restores Mental Functioning


Drinking too much can lead to mental fogginess, lack of concentration and dizziness the next day. this is because the liver often metabolizes alcohol first and produce toxic byproducts, and it leaves other nutrients unprocessed which limits the needed nutrients that the brain and body needs to function properly.


The IV drip replenishes the compounds that the brain needs, and since it is delivered intravenously, the brain immediately absorbs these nutrients. The vitamin B12 in the drip improves concentration, while magnesium improves nervous system health.


  1. Relaxes Muscles and Eliminates Soreness


Alcohol can interfere with the body’s ability to breakdown lactic acid which leads to muscle soreness during a hangover. The Hangover IV treatment contains magnesium that helps in relaxing the muscles and the solution replenishes the nutrients needed by the muscles to recover quickly.


  1. 5. Nausea Relief


Nausea, vomiting and other digestive system disturbance is caused by the inflammation of the stomach and intestines as a result of too much alcohol. As a result, the stomach’s ability to process food significantly decreases. The inflammation is triggered by the increased production of gastric acids in the stomach and fat from the liver. The IV drip contains anti-nausea medications that helps in calming your stomach down and increasing gastrointestinal comfort.


  1. 6. Restores Immune System


The IV drip contains B-Complex vitamins and anti-inflammatory properties that are delivered directly into the bloodstream that improves immune system functioning and ensures you’re your body recovers faster. It contains Vitamin C and magnesium and other vitamins and minerals that boost the immune responses to free radicals. The intravenous delivery allows the minerals to bypass the digestive system which ensures 100% absorption.


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