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First of all, what is NAD+ IV and why is it so important that you will need an IV therapy for it? To understand its benefits for your body, you need to know the role of NAD+.


NAD+ stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, a naturally occurring coenzyme in every living cell of your body. Your cells can’t live without it and neither can you. It is responsible for helping your cells transform the nutrients from the food you eat into energy that is needed for proper cellular functioning, including neural functioning, so not only is it important for the body, it is also a brain booster.


So if it’s naturally occurring in the body, why would you need an IV therapy? That’s because your body NAD+ decreases as you age, which results in accelerated aging process.


How NAD+ IV Therapy Works


To slow down the process of ageing brought about the dwindling levels of NAD+ in your body, the ND+ IV therapy works by injecting the coenzyme directly into your bloodstream for fast intracellular absorption. The coenzyme works to stop, or reverse aging and help your cells function normally.

Why You Should I Get NAD+ IV Therapy

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There are countless benefits of NAD+ in your system, so if you feel at least one of the following, NAD+ IV therapy might be the solution you need.


  1. You want to look and feel younger.


Aging is inevitable, but you can do something about the pace at which it happens. NAD+ slows down aging by blocking the genes that are responsible for fast aging process. The therapy can help you address external signs of aging such as wrinkles and decreased skin elasticity. Internal signs of aging are also addressed, such as joint aches and decreased mental functioning, making you look and feel younger.


  1. You want to lose weight.


NAD+ plays a role in concerting the glucose from your food into energy; depletion of NAD+ levels in the body can result in the conversion of glucose into fat cells, which explains why you gain weight as you grow older.


  1. You want to improve your metabolic health.


As you age, your body’s natural metabolism rate decreases, partly due to the fact that your NAD+ levels go down. As a result, it is harder to lose weight despite dieting and exercising, and you seem to feel low on energy. NAD+ IV therapy can help you feel more energized by helping the cells burn the food you eat into energy.


  1. You want to improve your brain functioning.


In today’s world, being forgetful or unfocused can have consequences from the mundane like losing your car keys or phone, to catastrophic like losing your job or relationships. However, losing focus and cognitive power naturally comes with aging. Fortunately, getting NAD+ IV therapy can counter the natural decrease of cognitive abilities, so you can have sharper focus and mental clarity.


  1. You always feel tired and unmotivated.


Fatigue and lack of motivation can be caused by inadequate energy because of cellular imbalance. The imbalance is brought about by the decline in your NAD+ levels, resulting to inability of your body to convert fuel into energy. With NAD+ IV therapy, your cells are replenished with enough NAD+ that can signal the conversion of fuel into energy that your brain and body can use immediately.


  1. Your skin is sun-damaged.


The damage of the sun on your skin accumulates through the years and start to show on your late 20s to 30s. NAD+ IV therapy can help with skin rejuvenation and DNA repair, which can slow down and even reverse the hyperpigmentation, fine lines, blemishes and even skin cancer.


  1. You feel stressed.


Stress is unavoidable in the modern world. The increased stress hormones in the body as well as the lack of antioxidants can lead to fast depletion of your natural NAD+ that can hasten the process of mental and physical aging. With NAD+ IV therapy, you can combat the negative impacts of stress on your body.


  1. You want to stay healthy.


NAD+ IV therapy can help you maintain a healthy overall well-being. It addresses physical and mental health as well as fight free radicals in the environment, whether from the food you eat, the pollution in the air you breathe or the chemicals you use on your skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties can keep you healthier, younger and sharper in a lot of ways.


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