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7 Lifestyle Changes that Will Help Slow Down Aging in Your 40s


Aging is one of the major concerns many women in their 40s are dealing with.


While there may be a lot of beauty products and clinical treatments available in the market that promise to reduce fine lines on your face and bring back the glow in your skin, truth is, ageing is more than just skin deep.


If you want to slow down ageing, you have to know — first and foremost — that lifestyle plays a significant part in it. Diet, exercise, and the way you manage daily stress all affect how young and beautiful you look.


Below are 7 smart, easy, and natural ways you can follow to slow down ageing in your 40s.


  1. Choose nutritious, well-balanced diet.


To slow down ageing means to maintain and healthy and strong body, and the primary way to achieve this is by becoming more aware of the food we are consuming on a day to day basis.


Eating nutritious, well-balanced diet contributes to looking and feeling great. It prevents premature ageing, keeps the body strong, and promotes overall well-being.


Balanced diet simply means eating a combination of foods, wherein each food item should come from the basic food groups. An example of a balanced meal consists of pasta (rich in fiber and carbohydrates), grilled chicken (protein), mixed vegetables (vitamins and minerals), and dark chocolate or avocado for dessert (antioxidants).


It also means eliminating unhealthy food choices, such as foods and beverages high in sugar, junk foods, processed foods, and fast foods.


By choosing to eat the right kind of foods, you are providing important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to your body, keeping it strong, healthy, and youthful.


  1. Stock up on essential vitamins.


Over time, we lose the elastic tissue in our skin, which makes it dull, saggy, and loosely hanging. Add the constant exposure to harmful toxins and chemicals that cause free radical damage in our cells, women in their 40s easily experience premature ageing.


To fight against free radical damage and slow down ageing, our body needs vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, all of which are essential in protecting skin against damage and ageing.


While these vitamins can easily be consumed through nutritional supplements,  intravenous IV therapy brings rewarding results without loss of potency and risks of gastrointestinal side effects.


Our Antioxidant IV Booster is formulated with high doses of vitamin C that will not only make your skin glow instantly, but all promote healthier and more resilient skin for a long period of time.


It is important to note that as we age, we lose more and more vitamin C in our skin. The Antioxidant IV Booster is effective in maintaining healthy dosage of vitamin C and helpful in collagen formation, which keeps our skin healthy, radiant, and elastic no matter our age.


  1. Control your stress.


While we cannot avoid stress in our daily life, we should be able to learn how to manage it accordingly. Too much stress and fatigue can be harmful to both the physical and mental health of an individual. It also contributes to faster aging.


There are a lot of ways you can manage your stress and prevent it from affecting your health. By doing meditative exercises, practicing yoga, walking outdoors, performing deep breathing exercises, and getting a vitamin drip, you can feel relaxed, happy, and peaceful.


  1. Give your skin adequate sun protection.


Due to climate change and the thinning of the ozone layer, the sun continues to become more and more harmful by the day.


If you want to maintain a youthful, healthy skin, make sure to protect yourself against sun damage.


While the sun is one of the best sources of vitamin D, which is necessary to our body, spending more than 15 minutes under the scorching heat of the sun without protection can bring harmful effects. It causes premature ageing, sunburn, and even skin cancer.


If you can’t avoid going out, make sure to protect your skin by applying sunscreen, wearing sun-protecting clothing, and using hat or umbrella when necessary.


  1. Drink enough water.


Dehydration is another common cause of skin aging.


By drinking water regularly and religiously, you are flushing out toxins, lubricating your joints, and restoring the elasticity of your skin.


As a general rule, make it a habit to consume up to 2 liters of water every day. If you have an active lifestyle, strive to drink more.


Water is essential in restoring a radiant, glowing, and youthful skin.


  1. Exercise rregularly.


Doing regular exercise is not only for strengthening your body and losing excessive weight. It also helps reduce inflammation and managing oxidative stress, which are both contributors to cell aging.


Because individuals with an active lifestyle experience slower cell ageing, they look and feel younger than they actually are.


Thus, make sure to spend even a few minutes every day to run on the treadmill, lift weights, walk in your neighborhood, or do a several push ups.


  1. Get enough sleep every night.


Sleep is vital in rejuvenating your tired body and mind. It is during our nightly sleep that our body repairs damaged tissues and cells, and releases human growth hormone.


When we sleep for 7 to 9 hours every night, we wake up full of energy, with a healthy, radiant glow.


On the other hand, having not enough sleep increases cortisol levels, which can be significant contributors to collagen breakdown, oxidative stress, and premature ageing.


Key Takeaway


It is completely possible to slow down the process of aging even in your 40s by religiously doing some lifestyle changes that promote health and overall well-being.






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Image 1: What is IV Vitamin Therapy?

observational studies have found that many Americans do not get adequate daily amounts of many vitamins and nutritionally essential minerals, which may be remedied by judicious supplementation

Intravenous (IV) Vitamin Drips deliver vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly to the body for maximum absorption.  This allows the nutrients to flood your body and nourish itself at the cellular level.  By using this method we can safely deliver larger doses that would not otherwise be tolerated orally vitamin drips can be used both proactively to maintain optimum wellness and also to treat acute and chronic conditions.

IV Vitamin Therapy fights exhaustion, fatigue, delivers an energy boost, aids in protecting and promoting a healthy immune system.  It also improves the appearance of skin, hair and nails, slowing down the ageing process. IV Vitamin Therapy increases red blood cell production and aids in detoxifying the body

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Control your stress:

While we cannot avoid stress in our daily life, we should be able to learn how to manage it accordingly. Too much stress and fatigue can be harmful to both the physical and mental health of an individual. It also contributes to faster aging.


There are a lot of ways you can manage your stress and prevent it from affecting your health. By doing meditative exercises, practicing yoga, walking outdoors, performing deep breathing exercises, and getting a vitamin drip, you can feel relaxed, happy, and peaceful.

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Benefits of B-12 Vitamins ?

Vitamin B12 deficiency happens when you have lack certain vitamins in your body. Those who are more likely suffering from this deficiency include anemics, vegans, vegetarians, people with multiple food allergies, and people who are over 50 years old.


When your body has insufficient levels of vitamins in the body, your metabolism slows down and you will have a high tendency to gain weight.


B12 vitamin shots can help you manage and combat this condition. When you provide the right level of vitamin B12 to your body, it will transform the foods you consume into glucose, a type of sugar that fuels your body to perform daily activities. Your body needs the right amount of glucose in order to function properly


On the other hand, if you have a deficiency, your body doesn’t produce enough glucose or it isn’t being broken down efficiently. This leads to improper metabolism and lack of energy. When this happens, your body will tend to store more fat as energy reserve, which eventually leads to unnecessary weight gain.


Therefore, if you are gaining weight due to inefficient metabolism and vitamin deficiency, getting B12 vitamin shots can help you address this problem.




B12 shots will help you lose weight indirectly.


B12 vitamin shots help increase energy levels and combat stress.


When you are suffering from too much stress, fatigue, anxiety, and even lack of motivation to exercise and eat proper diet, there is a high tendency for you choose unhealthy food and gain weight. This is sometimes called stress eating.


Stress eating is an unhealthy lifestyle because you tend to eat whatever you feel like eating, without thinking about their nutritional content, just to make yourself feel good temporarily. Eventually, those bad food choices will end up making you bigger and bigger.


To avoid this unpleasant scenario that causes you to gain weight, it is important to deal with stress properly, get regular exercise, have enough sleep every night, and eat well balanced diet. Getting B12 vitamin shots can indirectly help you make these positive lifestyle changes.

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