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We’ve heard it all before — diet, exercise, yoga, intermittent fasting, weight loss pills, mindset shift, lifestyle changes, and so on and so forth.


There are plenty of ways on how to lose weight effectively. But despite the multiple choices you have, do you still find it difficult to slim down and achieve your goal weight?


Don’t fret! Losing weight may be a big decision to make, but as long as you have strong commitment, willpower, and discipline, you can be successful at it. Start by making a firm decision to lose weight and stick by it. Believe in yourself and do whatever it takes to reach your goals.


Losing Weight Using B12 Vitamin Shots


If the traditional methods of losing weight don’t work for you, one modern and effective approach you can try is using Vitamin B12 shots. It is popular among celebrities and famous personalities. In fact, Madonna, Rita Ora, Charlize Theron, Katy Perry, and Justin Timberlake swear by its effectiveness, saying that this powerful nutrient help them reduce weight while increasing their energy levels.


B12 vitamin shots are IV injections that contain high levels of cyanocobalamin, more commonly known as vitamin B12. Self-administered or given by a doctor, B12 vitamin shots are used to quickly boost vitamin deficiency in the body. Because they work by augmenting lacking nutrients in the body, they help increase energy levels, improve brain functions, and reduce weight.


Coupled with an ideal weight loss plan and lifestyle changes, B12 vitamin injections can be an effective way to manage and control your weight.

How B12 Vitamin Shots for Weight Loss Work

B12 vitamin shots can help you in your weight loss journey directly or indirectly.


  1. B12 shots will help you lose weight directly.


If you have already been diagnosed with vitamin deficiency, B12 vitamin shots can help you, not only with your deficiency, but with weight loss, as well.


Vitamin B12 deficiency happens when you have lack certain vitamins in your body. Those who are more likely suffering from this deficiency include anemics, vegans, vegetarians, people with multiple food allergies, and people who are over 50 years old.


When your body has insufficient levels of vitamins in the body, your metabolism slows down and you will have a high tendency to gain weight.


B12 vitamin shots can help you manage and combat this condition. When you provide the right level of vitamin B12 to your body, it will transform the foods you consume into glucose, a type of sugar that fuels your body to perform daily activities. Your body needs the right amount of glucose in order to function properly


On the other hand, if you have a deficiency, your body doesn’t produce enough glucose or it isn’t being broken down efficiently. This leads to improper metabolism and lack of energy. When this happens, your body will tend to store more fat as energy reserve, which eventually leads to unnecessary weight gain.


Therefore, if you are gaining weight due to inefficient metabolism and vitamin deficiency, getting B12 vitamin shots can help you address this problem.


  1. B12 shots will help you lose weight indirectly.


B12 vitamin shots help increase energy levels and combat stress.


When you are suffering from too much stress, fatigue, anxiety, and even lack of motivation to exercise and eat proper diet, there is a high tendency for you choose unhealthy food and gain weight. This is sometimes called stress eating.


Stress eating is an unhealthy lifestyle because you tend to eat whatever you feel like eating, without thinking about their nutritional content, just to make yourself feel good temporarily. Eventually, those bad food choices will end up making you bigger and bigger.


To avoid this unpleasant scenario that causes you to gain weight, it is important to deal with stress properly, get regular exercise, have enough sleep every night, and eat well balanced diet. Getting B12 vitamin shots can indirectly help you make these positive lifestyle changes.


Reasons to Get B12 Vitamin Shots


Recent studies show that 1 out of 12 women in the UK, with age ranging from 19 to 39 years old, have vitamin B12 deficiency. This is slightly alarming because anyone can be deficient without knowing it. And when you do, it can significantly affect your metabolism, weight control, stress management, and general well-being.


If you’re starting to feel stressed or fatigued and you feel like you’re gaining weight, go to your IV therapy clinic now and get some tests. It’s always better to be sure than sorry.